
Tension Vol. II

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Suspect of treason

The song is divided into two sections: the first in a minor key an arrangiament and a more misterious and dramatic theme that resolves in the second section in asofter, light-hearted major key


Siutable for scenes that begin in a dramatic way and then resolve to the best

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Broken dream

The obsessive repetition of some themetic sentences and the ostinato of the Piano create a theme of tension and suspense


Perfect for thriller or fear scenes and crime scenes.

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High treason

The pulsating rhythm of the Danger, fears, bloody actions, mental disorder, suspence Percussion, the dissonances in the melodic lines of the Violins and the Organ, the theme of the Cello and the clusters of the Piano, all creating an atmosphere of tension and anxiety.


Perfect for scenes that involve: danger, fear, blood and crime, mental disorder, suspense.

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